Database is the wrong version. Cannot open. Could not read from clipboard. Garden design is a later version than the application. Cannot open. To print, please open Mum’s the Word. Replace plant(s) 254 character maximum. There are too many "Copy of's". Cannot dupplicate. There is already a plant with this name. Please enter a unique name. This number is already being used. Cannot open resource file. Cannot read resource file. Save changes to Revert to last saved version of Printer Error. Cannot create Cannot write to Cannot read Cannot open Cannot write to plant information file. Cannot read plant information file. Cannot open plant information file. Plant file error: Cannot open plant index file. Cannot open plant data file. A positive integer between 1 and 10 is required. Fifty-nine character maximum. A positive interger is required. Ten character maximum. A botanical name and a common name is required. Garden design file must be open. Out of memory! Plant list too long.